
Why Do I Keep Obsessing Over Things? Understanding Obsessional Thinking

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Why Do I Keep Obsessing Over Things? Understanding Obsessional Thinking

Thoughts you would rather not have, much less frequently, echo like an alarm clock you can’t shut off. And the thoughts linger or intensify no matter what you do to talk yourself out of them. 

Sound familiar? If so, you’re dealing with obsessive thinking. Also known as intrusive thoughts, these bothersome thoughts can interfere with your daily life, moods, relationships, work productivity, and even your ability to sleep soundly.

As isolating as obsessive thinking can feel, you don’t need to keep suffering or trying to address them on your own. 

At her practice in Chicago at One Magnificent Mile, board-certified psychiatrist Dr. Amanda S. Kleinman provides psychotherapy and other treatments to help you achieve the mental and emotional well-being you deserve. 

Let’s look at obsessive thinking, including common causes and ways to find relief. 

What causes obsessive thoughts

Most anyone can develop obsessive thought patterns, but they’re often linked with mental health conditions, such as:

Obsessive thoughts can also stem from or worsen self-esteem issues, especially if they’re linked with harmful ideas you gleaned during childhood – such as having learned to bottle up your feelings or avoid thinking about things like sexuality. That may be one reason that up to 24% of people with OCD have obsessive sex-related thoughts.

When to seek help for obsessive thinking

Most people have some 6,000 thoughts per day, according to research. While it’s natural to get distracted by some of those thoughts, any thoughts that become deeply upsetting or interfere with your ability to lead a fulfilling or productive life should be discussed with a professional. 

If your obsessive thinking derives from an underlying mental illness or disorder, treatment for the condition can help minimize your troublesome thought patterns. Therapy, medication, or a combination of both go a long way for many people. 

It’s time to start taking care of yourself. Dr. Kleinman can help determine your ideal treatment plan. To learn more about obsessive thinking or get started with the care you need, call our office or request an appointment with Dr. Kleinman through our website today.